Great future pakistan

Schedule & Fee

These competitions are organized by Private Organization Online, and there is registration fee for each Olympiad.

Yearly National Olympiads

  • The fee is non-refundable and compulsory to enroll in each Olympiad
  • The total award for each selected participant the Olympiad is given in the form of scholarship and varies in PKR 15000 – PKR 20000 for year 2024.
  • Total top ten students are selected from each Olympiad after Final Round
  • The Program cycles each year
  • The programs are for educational purposes only
  • In the National Science Olympiads in Great Future Pakistan, Round-I includes following subjects;
  1. Physics
  2. Chemistry
  3. Biology
  4. Mathematics
  5. General Science
  6. Computer Science
  7. Economics
  • In the National Science Olympiads in Great Future Pakistan, student can select the subject in which he/she is interested in Round-I only.
  • These Olympiads are not related to any kind of admission in School, colleges or universities.
  • These Olympiads are for competition purposes only.

Yearly Artwork Contests

  • In the National Artwork Contests, following competitions are organized by Great Future Pakistan;
  1. Crafting
  2. Graphic Designing
  3. Calligraphy
  4. Drawing
  5. Painting
  6. Sketching
  7. Photography
  8. Essay Writing
  • This competition is organized once in a year and top three participants are selected from each category. Cash Awards ranges from PKR 15000 – PKR 20000 for 2024.

For More Details, Click Here


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