Great Future Pakistan
Welcome to the Greatest Talent Olympiad in Pakistan
The Great Future Talent Olympiad organized by Great Future Pakistan (founded in 2022) is a test-based educational contest. Great Future Talent Olympiad is an Online MCQs-based contest consisting of English, IQ, and General Knowledge to enhance the skills of students to compete in different practical tests like PMA, CSS, and Entry Tests, etc. MCQs given in the test are standard to other tests. During the activity of Great Future, the Great Future Talent Olympiad was held three times during the last two years named Phase-I, Phase-II & Phase-III. Cash Awards of winners were disbursed accordingly.
There are three rounds in the Great Future Talent Olympiad - 2024. In the first round, the English test will be conducted & in 2nd round IQ test will be conducted in the final round General Knowledge test will be conducted, and then the merit list will be prepared for cash awards. Cash award amounts may vary with time and conditions.