Are You Ready for Participating in


Great Future Pakistan (GFP) is pleased to announce the National Essay Contest for all students, Professional writers, and Content experts.

Education & EdTech

Sustainable Development, Climate & Energy

Creative, Digital Media, Arts & Culture


Rs. 5000/- will be awarded to the best essay of each topic.


  • Essay should be submitted online.
  • All participants will submit their essays till Friday, 30 January, 2023
  • For Participation, Apply Here


The Competition is open to all students, Professional writers, and Content experts. Candidates outside Pakistan are also eligible to participate

Candidates outside Pakistan are also eligible to participate. Participants must be under the age of 30 Years.

Participate without any fee


Participants will be required to strictly follow prescribed rules

  • Essay should be of minimum 3000 and maximum 3500 words (excluding headings, figures and list of sources/references etc.)
  • Essay should be in English.
  • Essay should be in Microsoft Word format only.
  • All Figures/Statistics should be up-to-date and accurate. 
  • Work should be original. Any content found plagiarized will be immediately disqualified.
  • Content should be relevant to the Topic of the Essay.
  • For English, Essay, must be typed in Times New Roman, Font Size 12, Line spacing 1.5 & converted to PDF.
  • Essay submitted after the deadline will not be included in the Competition.


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